Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Believing In Yourself

"She believed she could, So she did!!!" I love this quote. Throughout my weight loss journey, whenever I would stick my heals in and say to myself "ok. This is it. This time I'm losing weight and I'm going to do all the right things to keep it off!"  I would start out doing great, lose the weight and gain it all back. I done this three times over my adult life. Each time I would gain the weight back by  slowly venturing back into my old routines, treating myself more and gradually end up with the weight back on.

Does this sound familiar? Every time that this would happen I would be disappointed in myself but there was always a little voice inside my head telling me that I could lose the weight.  That I just had to believe a little more in myself that I could. Each time that I attempted to lose weight, I believed that I could, if I didn't I would not of tried so many times to do so. However, I have realized that I didn't  believe in myself hard enough. It's only when I starting believing in myself 100 percent that I seen results that were sticking and lasting for a while. I realized that it was a lifestyle change that I had to make in order for my weight loss to be successful.

You have to believe in yourself, if you don't believe in you, no one else will. You have the power to make changes in your life, changes that will last forever and make you feel good about yourself. This reaches all aspects of our lives, not only weight loss. It's sometimes had to believe in yourself  when you have a pattern of failing but all of those failings are learning experiences that help us grow and make us wiser.

So start believing in yourself. The more you believe the more you will succeed. ☺️☺️

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