Monday, August 17, 2015

Creamy Ranch Pasta and Turkey Salad

Creamy Ranch Pasta and Turkey Salad
This is a yummy pasta salad that I through together for supper.  I looked for a few recipes for healthy pasts salads.  I found a few and took bits and pieces from them to make my own.  It was delicious.


1 cup of chopped cucumber and peppers
10 cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup of whole wheat pasta
3/4 cup of low sodium Turkey


1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon fat free miracle whip
1/2 teaspoon creamy ranch seasoning


1. Cut up all of your veggies and place in blow.
2.  Add pasta and turkey
3.  Mix up dressing and pour over veggies, pasta and turkey and mix well.

For all of you 21 day fixers out there is equals 1 1/2 red, 2 green, 1 yellow,


Friday, August 14, 2015

Finally Made It!!!

Today is a day that I have been waiting, hoping, dreaming, wishing for for a VERY long time.  This morning when I stepped on the scale ( which I only try to do once a week) I seen that number that I have always through was impossible for me to achieve.  BUT I DID IT!!!!I could not be prouder of myself!!

Now, this number on the scale that I seen the morning did NOT come easy for me.  This has been years in the making.  It has been a long, twisting road, with some round abouts in it. I have never found it easy to lose weight and surely have not found it easy to keep it off.  I have always have had to work my butt off to lose those extra pounds that kept on creeping back on.  I have tried many different things to help me lose weight from walking, to trying the most popular weight loss programs.  Yes, they did work for a little bit, however I would always find myself gaining the weight back. 

I have learned so much from my travel on my road that this most recent attempt to lose weight I said to myself I have got to make some drastic changes to my lifestyle in order to keep this weight off. For those of you that know me know,my lifestyle is very simple.  I am a very quite, shy, reserved person and even writing this blog about this topic is completely stepping out of my comfort zone. Me and my husband are not partiers, we love going to the cabin and enjoying a quite Friday night watching a movie. So in that way my lifestyle did not have to change but it did have to change nutritionally.  I am a CARB LOVER!!! I have to admit.  I love anything that is sugary, sweet and salty.  I would rather have a plate full of dessert than eat a meal.  This I the honest to god truth, and thus lies the problem and why I have been struggling so long.  I knew this and I knew that eating all of those sugary treats were going to be the end for me.  I had to make a change  and be honest with myself about this.  I had the exercise part down, that was not an issue, but  wasn't seeing results with just the exercise. So the next step was making the nutritional change.

This was not easy!!I had my metabolism so messed up that I had to get it revved back up again and this is when I started counting macros (flexible dieting) and learning about how my body reacted to a certain number of these per day. It took a little bit of getting used to, weighing out your food and playing with the different numbers on Myfitness pal to meet my daily requirements.  Soon it became second nature to me. Fortunately, I had a lot of success with this and continued doing it for almost a year.   I lost weight and I  maintained for a while by doing this, which I have never done before.  But as the one year mark was coming up and I was maintaining, I was happy with my weight loss, but deep down  I still knew that I could lose more.  I also realized that my body need a change. When I was counting my macros, for those of you who are not familiar with it the popular say is "if it fits, eat it." That doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be healthy, clean food.  So naturally, being the sweet fanatic that I am. I would fill most of my macros, especially my carbs with foods that weren't so "clean."  We all deserve treats and I still have my treats, but not every single day!!! This was the rut that I was finding myself in and I knew that I needed a change my nutrition.  I tried lowering my carbs to see if the scale would move, no sir, it still didn't  budge.

I started following a girl (now presently my coach) that had lost a considerable amount of weight and she had a Facebook page dedicated to her weight loss journey. She too had been counting macros and was having the same concerns as I was after doing it for so long.   I have heard abut clean eating before but didn't really pay too much attention to it.  One day while I was one Facebook, I seen hat she had just signed up to be a health and fitness coach and I wanted  to see if she was getting results.  Sure enough she was after no time.  So I began to watch a little more closely.  I was amazed by the results she was getting and I began researching about clean eating and the program she was doing. The nutrition plan was all centred clean eating.  That was the game changer for me.  I sent her a message for her to hook me up with that she was doing and the rest is kinda history from there.  While I was waiting for my program to arrive I starting making small changes to eat more clean.  After about a week of doing this I noticed that I felt healthier overall and I could see a little difference in my tummy area, the area that I struggle with the most. This is the moment that I fell in love with clean eating and I know that I would love those little containers that were on their way.   When I received my program, began drinking Shakeology and getting my 30 minute workouts in ( I was so happy not to have to spend more than a hour at workout) then it all started falling into place leading me to this present moment. 

To say that is has been easy would be an understatement.  For me my weight loss and staying on track is a minute by minute, second by second struggle every single day. However, I have learned that you can not deprive yourself  either.  If you want a few candy, have a few candy just not the whole bag.  If you want a piece of cake, have a small piece of cake not the whole cake.  If you deprive yourself of all of those yummy treats you are eventually going to go overboard with it and you won't be able to stop.  It's all about balance.  When it comes to clean eating a lot of people follow the 80/20 rule.  You eat clean for 80 percent of the time and 20 percent is allowed for reasonable treats.  I can't stress enough how it is a lifestyle change that you have to make.  My husband doesn't  eat the same as me 80 percent of the time. I sometimes find myself cooking two different supper meals. Is it a lot of work sometimes? Yes it is, but I know that's what I have to do to keep my weight under control. 

WOW! That was a long blog, but the take away that I want to get from this is that you have to stick with it.  Do not give up even if your road long and twisty.  There will come a day when the road will become a little straighter but there will always be twists because that is life.  But from those twists we have to learn from them, push ahead with our heads held high and believe in our selves.      

Thank you for reading:) 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Healthy Goulash!

Healthy Goulash

How many people love pasta and meat?  I know I do.  The hubby and I love goulash but I wanted a way to make it work with the 21 Day fix program that I am doing.  I found a few ones online and I adapted them to  make my own. It was delicious.
Here is the recipe:
1 cup of whole wheat/whole grain pasta 
1 whole pepper
2 whole mushrooms
1 large onion
2 tablespoons of pasta sauce
 1 package of ground meat/pork/turkey/chicken
  1. Fry out your  meat and put your noodles on to boil.
  2. While the meat is frying cut up your veggies
  3. When the meat is cooked, place it in a bowl and drain if there is any grease
  4.  Fill your 2  green 21 day fix containers with you assortment of veggies and place in frying pan.
  5. Fill on of your red containers with the meat and place in frying pan with your veggies.
  6. Take 2 tablespoons of pasta sauce (I use low calorie Ragu sauce) and add it to your meat and veggie mixture and mix.
  7. Let simmer for a few minutes and add 1 yellow container of your cooked pasta and mix together well.   
  8. Serve hot and steamy. 

I always make extra to have for my lunch the next day and I use the extra pasta in other recipes.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.  It was super yummy and simple!!

Believing In Yourself

"She believed she could, So she did!!!" I love this quote. Throughout my weight loss journey, whenever I would stick my heals in and say to myself "ok. This is it. This time I'm losing weight and I'm going to do all the right things to keep it off!"  I would start out doing great, lose the weight and gain it all back. I done this three times over my adult life. Each time I would gain the weight back by  slowly venturing back into my old routines, treating myself more and gradually end up with the weight back on.

Does this sound familiar? Every time that this would happen I would be disappointed in myself but there was always a little voice inside my head telling me that I could lose the weight.  That I just had to believe a little more in myself that I could. Each time that I attempted to lose weight, I believed that I could, if I didn't I would not of tried so many times to do so. However, I have realized that I didn't  believe in myself hard enough. It's only when I starting believing in myself 100 percent that I seen results that were sticking and lasting for a while. I realized that it was a lifestyle change that I had to make in order for my weight loss to be successful.

You have to believe in yourself, if you don't believe in you, no one else will. You have the power to make changes in your life, changes that will last forever and make you feel good about yourself. This reaches all aspects of our lives, not only weight loss. It's sometimes had to believe in yourself  when you have a pattern of failing but all of those failings are learning experiences that help us grow and make us wiser.

So start believing in yourself. The more you believe the more you will succeed. ☺️☺️